[Newspaper] Design

I’ve worked in the newspaper industry as  designer for many years. My most recent post was a production manager for the regional media group, RiverMedia. Working on newspaper design has ment working within a grid system, using an established design template.

 At the end of the day Design for whatever reason is about taking information and making it appealing to the target audience. Design in newspaper industry does exactly that, we the deisgners take the written word of journos and make them ‘pretty’ in layout, colour, images etc to make the reader stop a minute and read there article or for that matter pick up the paper in question.

Jacek Utko

However over the last few years there is one rising star of this industry who is changing the face of Newspaper design,  Jacek Utko, from Poland. Jacek Utko is an extraordinary Polish newspaper designer whose redesigns for papers in Eastern Europe not only win awards, but increase circulation by up to 100%.  

Jacek believes that Newspapers are dying for serious reasons. Simply changing the look cannot save them, but design coherent with strategy and content can be used as a tool to completely change the product, the process, and the future of the industry. 

To complete his designs, Jacek uses a more holistic approach which engages many departments within the newspaper, which he calls inner branding.  He believes that the Front Page, is a poster, an intimate, artistic statement. A personal interpretation of reality; a channel to talk to readers. One of the Newspapers Jacek redesigned is Puls Biznesu (Poland), which lead to the highest branch’s recognition – Worlds best Designed Newspaper by SND.  see below for some of Jaceks groundbreaking work. Continue reading “[Newspaper] Design”

How to create a simple Gallery in Flash CS4

Check out http://tuts.flashmint.com/how-to-create-a-simple-image-gallery-in-flash-cs4/ for this full tutorial.

In this tutorial you are shown how to create a simple image gallery with thumbnails in Flash CS4. We will apply a couple of simple, yet nice transitions to the images and thumbnails. This will require you to get the hands a bit dirty in animation and action scripting. I am promised this is easy and fun!

Award Winning Irish Designers

While researching for my design portolio, I came across some really nicely designed websites by award winning Irish designers. So if you have a few minutes maybe you’d like to browse through my selection. Of if you want to view my web portfolio why not visit http://www.louindesign.com


This is a beautifully designed flash site, by talented design studio based in Belfast. Incredible use of white space, not too overloaded with info, just enough to entice you to browse some more. Particularly like the section on ‘our people’ which not only gives a face to the company but also a bit of personality.  Also worth a check out is there ‘talk to us page’.

Whitenoise also won award at the IDI awards for ‘Whitenoise Book 6: An Experiment in Typography’.

Continue reading “Award Winning Irish Designers”

Solving issues with Lightbox2

I used Lightbox2 in my portfolio website. However it was not as simple was copying the code and inserting into my html and linking scripts provided. A number of issues arose. This is a brief overview of problems and how I overcame them

1. Where do I save the downloaded file from Lightbox2 site.

This was my first hurdle. If like me you me and learning web design you will struggle with this task. This is where I placed each element.

I put lightbox.css ‘loose’ in my root folder. I put all .js script into my script folder and placed all images into my images folder.  

It is really important that you remember where you have placed each element of this code.

Continue reading “Solving issues with Lightbox2”


Through research how to best display my samples of design work for my portfolio, I discovered CSS galleries, which are readily available on web. I choose to use Lightbox2 because i felt it fit my needs and I like the look and feel of it.

LIGHTBOX 2 is an ingenious piece of coding by  Lokesh Dhakar, which I have used to display my portfolio of images for Louin Design. Continue reading “Galleries”